clown performer, teacher and researcher

Clown Training - a practical guide
This comprehensive guide to clown training invites you into the clown workshop and leads you through a complete clown syllabus – from the first steps in playfulness to the work of devising and creating performable numbers and shows.
Exploring key clown training methods and drawing on Jon Davison’s experience as a leading international clown teacher, Clown Training offers detailed descriptions and analyses of a wide range of techniques, games and exercises. Both practical and reflective, this is the ideal companion for students and teachers of clowning alike.
Read the first chapter here.
"I must tell you – I am having a really fabulous time using your Clown Training book with 2nd and 3rd years on the first Clowning Module here at USW! The exercises are great and some work almost on their own, I don’t need to add much explanation or talk about them afterwards because the results are so clear. I have never found exercises for any kind of theatre to work so well before … it’s such a pleasure to use them. Well done!"
(Dr Hilary Ramsden, Senior Lecturer, Drama and Performance, University of South Wales and co-founder of Clandestine Insurgent Rebel Clown Army)
The second half of the book is dedicated to devising your own work, using clown dramaturgy which originates in the classical circus clowning of the 20th century, and avoids getting bogged down in mysterious and unattainable concepts (like “inner clowns” or “vulnerability”) but instead deals with things we can actually do on a stage.