clown performer, teacher and researcher

For nearly 40 years I have created and/or directed more than 100 performances, with my own companies (Companyia d’Idiotes, Cast of Thousands, Sclowns and Stupididity) and others.
I have guided and directed thousands of students, new and experienced performers in helping them create short clown and other numbers.
I have advised, mentored and supervised dozens of students working on dissertations and research projects in the field of clowning, at universities across the globe.
Book an in-person or online meeting with me: https://calendly.com/jondavison/
Mentoring and Tutoring
Are you writing a dissertation or thesis within the field of clown performance studies?
Do you find it difficult to access research materials in the field of clowning?
Are you in need of some orientation from an experienced researcher with extensive knowledge of clown eprformance practice, theory and history?
Would you benefit from assessment or proof-reading of your writing?
Directing, 1-2-1 Coaching, Research Tutoring:
£50/hour (solo or two-person companies - reductions for whole day or week bookings)
£100/hour (larger companies)
Help Organise a Workshop Near You
Would you like to do a workshop with Jon Davison near you?
Why not collaborate in organising one?
Choose the length of workshop – most typically either a weekend (Saturday and Sunday) or a five-day (Monday-Friday) – and how many hours a day (six hours is a good maximum)
Decide on a venue for the workshop – ideally a clear space of around 10 metres x 10 metres or similar.
Agree on a minimum and maximum number of participants – between 12 and 16 is ideal.
Agree on a price per participant that will cover Jon’s fees, travel and accommodation as well as venue hire (remember to include either you as a free participant or taking a commission).
Collaborate with Jon on publicising the workshop, managing the venue and answering enquiries. Also on finding accommodation for Jon.
Collect payments from participants.
Directing and Coaching
Anything from a short number to a full-length show normally benefits from having someone else able to think and reflect from the outside. Clown material doesn't normally just appear out of thin air.
Do you have a a new idea, a half-made piece or an old bit of work that you need help with finishing, adapting or improving?
Do you wonder why you can't get your idea onto stage?
Are you already performing but don't know why audiences don't receive your work as you would like them to?
Do you just dont know how to start?
Do you need some one-to-one coaching to help you use clowning in your performance?
I also love being directed. It's the same process. As in these clips with two of my favourite clown directors, Bienam Perez and Hilary Ramsden: