clown performer, teacher and researcher

Friday Flop
The unique monthly show at Rosemary
Branch Theatre with London's international clown company
Friday Flop ran for two years from April 2017 to February 2019 every month at the Rosemary Branch Theatre.
The unthinkable meets the ridiculous. Pushing the boundaries of clowning yet further.....
With the global tsunami of idiocy rising ever higher in the real world, nonsense is the new truth and the only way to make sense of the world. Clowns have been making the meaningless, the taboo and the unthinkable into digestible fun for millennia. Why would they baulk at the present opportunity?
Created and performed by an international company of highly-trained clown performers based in London, led by Jon Davison.

“To Laugh Or Not To Laugh”
live audience-responsive online clowning
“To Laugh Or Not To Laugh” is a 30-minute live-streamed online clown performance which responds in real time to the audience’s own responses, especially to your laughter – or lack of it!
8 performers from the long-running monthly in-person show at London’s Rosemary Branch Theatre, “Friday Flop”, have been putting their adaptability to the unexpected to good use recently, and will be on tour (online only) around the globe later this year via venues, festivals and pop-up events.
Produced by Jon Davison (London Clown School), the show is a unique leap of faith in the audience, whose responses will determine the performers’ decisions during our half-hour together in a zoom room. Spectators can choose to be audible, visible or unseen, but it is your honest reactions which make this show special.
The new online piece will be available for online touring from the end of July until the end of November 2021 and is aimed at audiences of all ages internationally. We are especially interested in community-oriented venues and events and festivals which foreground new and accessible clown theatre.
To get a taste of our in-person work, see here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9FElJU9dqFQ&t=22s
And here:
“To Laugh Or Not To Laugh” is a ticketed online performance which requires spectators to register for a live Zoom meeting, where interaction uses simple built-in tools for controlling audio and video engagements. There is also the possibility for venues and events to stream the event elsewhere for non-participating audience.
R&D Project 2019
We were overjoyed to be awarded a project grant by Arts Council England to research and develop new clown performance, training and dramaturgy over five months March-July 2019.
We explored how to bring to performance some of the amazing clowning that so often occurs in workshops but never reaches public view.